Feeling battered and bruised by life? World events, politics, life at work got you down? Maybe you are smashing into flow…
Some days, life stinks. Work feels like a trap, full of crazy people you have nothing in common with, most of whom are out to get you, or at least so it feels. Your side job is falling apart. You have no partner to vent to, or the one you have suddenly feels like […]
Love in business?? Anathema, no? You can’t fall in love with your clients – much too messy, you say? Well, you can fall in healthy love…
Last month I talked about the rock that you stand on. I was first introduced to this concept by a colleague of mine, and I think of it like this – what is solid beneath you, that you know unquestioningly is and always will be there for you? Can A Person Be Our Rock? […]
How do you handle those toughest of times, when you need all the strength you can muster? What rock do you stand on? If you are in a challenging situation, reflect on this… Whether you run your own business, in which case it all rests on your shoulders, or work in a situation […]
How alive do you feel? How enlivening are the choices you are making? This simple little tool, that you already carry around with you, can help you evaluate your options, as well as how enlivening your current and future prospects are. We call it the Aliveness Meter[1]. Does this sound familiar? One of […]
Is this a misstep or an opportunity? You’ve joined a new organization, and been given an amazing opportunity. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, a recognition of your skills and experience, something for which you’ve been waiting for years. So you dive right in…and scrape your face on the bottom of the pool, in the […]
If you want to change what people do, you need to change what they think. If you want to change their thinking, you have to change how they feel…and underlying feelings is emotions… […]
It was colleagues at UK business school Ashridge who helped me see how powerful an experiential metaphor for leadership dance can be. Here’s why.
Social media – Facebook being a prime example of it – is a tool like any other. How effectively are you wielding it?